All work is conducted on a table, with the client fully clothed.
The modality of work is selected as appropriate to your goals and needs and, often, a number of different methods are used in a single session for truly integrative work.
The types of work include…
Process Accupressure
Process Acupressure, created through the pioneering work of Aminah Raheem, PhD, works with the Body/Mind/Soul, the whole person, to further health, well-being and spiritual peace.
In a session, the client reaches a state of deep relaxation where issues can be processed on many levels simultaneously. Process Acupressure is based on the idea that the body, mind and soul are fundamentally linked and that the state of one has direct effect on the state of the other two.
Process Acupressure uses psychological and spiritual understanding to harmonize the energies of the body to promote health, mental and spiritual wellness, inner calm, creativity and joy.
“This process opens consciousness and our verbal exchange will be illuminating as well as instructive. Aminah teaches that if we know how to use them, illnesses and problems can be seen as messages, as part of a great treasure map that tells us where to look to grow and find profound healing that leads to transformation and peace.” Leah Matalon
Process Acupressure: Training and Mentoring
Leah Matalon is an advanced trainer and mentor in Process Acupressure and teaches PA to health professionals and body workers.
Training is available.
Interested students may inquire for more information at Leahmatalon@gmail.com
Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
Craniosacral Therapy was pioneered in modern times by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger, DO. Long-standing pain from TMJ, migraines and back injuries, as well as structural dysfunctions, are particularly responsive to this self-correcting work.
This therapy is a gentle hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of the craniosacral system, the multi-layered membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord. These membranes and fluid are crystalline in structure and information and energy flows through them and all the connective tissue (fasciae) of the body at the speed of light.
By releasing restrictions and blockages in the craniosacral system, the functioning of the central nervous system, the viscera (organs) and the entire holistic energy system are enhanced. This harmonizing of the Body/Mind/Spirit allows you to begin the self-healing process, relieve you from pain, and brings you and your life back into balance
Somato-Emotional Release (SER)
Emerging from the Craniosacral Therapy field, SomatoEmotional Release, or SER, is process-oriented work that helps to rid the mind and body of the residual effects of acute trauma.
Deep-seated emotional memories are stored in your psyche (causing both physical and mental pain) as energy blocks. This whole-body treatment guides the release of anger, fear, guilt and trauma stored in the organs, tissues and cells, thereby relieving aches and tension, as well as freeing you from emotional stress.
Zero Balancing (ZB)
Zero Balancing is a hands-on, Body-Mind-Spirit system designed by Fritz Smith, DO, MD. ZB facilitates integration of the client's energy body and body structure, creating balance all the way to the densest tissues, particularly the bone and skeletal system. With psyche and soma in communicative harmony after a ZB session, many people report a sense of fluidity, an integrated feeling of “being in their bones” and centered well-being.
Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT)
Lymph Drainage Therapy is a light-touch method of lymphatic drainage developed by Bruno Chikly, MD, of France. This gentle manipulation affects lymph flow as well as stimulates and regulates the immune and parasympathetic nervous systems. By clearing blockages and eliminating toxins, this therapy helps transport nutrients to the cells and increases metabolic function.
Visceral Manipulation (VM)
Visceral Manipulation is a therapy developed by French osteopath Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral. Under healthy conditions, the relationship between the organs (both hollow and solid viscera) and structures of the body (muscles, membranes, fasciae and bones) remains constant.
However, systemic disharmony results when one organ can’t stay in proper contact and move with its surrounding tissues and viscera because of adhesions, abnormal tone, or displacement. VM releases these points of tension. Once normal mobility and tone of the viscera and their connective tissues are restored, improved functioning of the individual organs and organ systems results, and the structural integrity of the entire body is reestablished.
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing is a trauma-healing therapy developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine. The work focuses on the release of overwhelming trauma and on eliminating re-traumatization caused by recurrent arousal in the body-mind.
Based on observation of animals in the wild, the techniques allow rebalancing of the nervous system and the body-mind after an acute imprint and/or chronic patterning of “fight or flight” survival mode. By bringing awareness to bodily felt sensations, outer and inner resources can be accessed. Leah is currently training in this work which synthesizes insights from the fields of psychology, stress studies, and biophysics.
The Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique focuses on awareness of balance, posture and coordination in everyday functioning. It is a powerful method of reeducating the body to return to its optimal fluidity and function through the release of habituated muscular and structural tension.
Laban Movement Analysis (LMA)
Laban Movement Analysis is the exploration and study of movement as a fundamental human experience and communication of a wide range of ideas, sensations and emotions: joy, fear, direction, a vision for yourself, a feeling for the world.
As developed by Rudolf Laban, perhaps the greatest movement theorist of the 20th century, LMA provides insight into personal movement style and increases awareness of what is communicated and expressed. This method is based on the philosophy that the full spectrum of movement – from locomotion to function to expression – is necessary for the development of human potential.
Ideokinesis was created and developed by André Bernard. This approach to human movement and body alignment reeducates neuro-muscular patterns of body balance and motion through tactile, visual and auditory senses, movement and creative imagery.
To book a session right now, CLICK HERE.
What People Are Saying About One-On-One Sessions With Leah…
“I came to Leah after 10 years of headaches resulting from TMJ (jaw) pain. I had been to countless TMJ specialists, including surgeons who wanted to operate on my jaw. This option didn’t make sense to me but I was facing the prospect of having frequent migraines for the rest of my life. Fortunately for me, I met Leah and after just one visit, I felt dramatically better, the jaw pain was gone and I have never had another migraine..”
— Audrey, 38, Research Scientist
Leah is the perfect elixir for dealing with stress in today’s financial world.
— Gene, 42, Wall Street Executive
My work with Leah spans 20 years as she has guided me to recognize and acknowledge the connection between mind and body, navigating through all kinds of emotional transitions. She has also been instrumental in helping my children with her ability to heal physically and help them to calm down or feel better.
She is a gem!
- Melanie, 49, Marketing Executive
Leah has the rare ability to connect with her clients on a soul level. This loving safety in each session allows growth to unfold organically.
I began seeing Leah over thirty years for reoccurring panic attacks. Her touch enabled me to release suppressed childhood memories stored in my body, freeing me to discover my truth. I was so awe struck by the unique nature of the work that I began studying with Leah to return the gift to others. Leah is an inspiration,mentor,and a spiritual mother to me! I am immensely grateful and blessed!
~Joy, 50, Therapist
“ My goodness! Big changes already and it is only 7 am the next morning and the numbness went from a 7 to a 6 in improvement, while JOIE DE VIVRE went from a 3 to an 8! (A REAL big improvement)”
— Lisa, 36, TV News Editor
“Leah Matalon, help me nail my big audition thanks to the centering and healing work she did with me.”
— Jill, 32, Vocalist
When I met Leah I was a broken person. The burdens of my career, relationships and motherhood were weighing down on me. I couldn’t see past all the challenges and had started getting physical symptoms. During our sessions Leah would guide me past my ego and help me connect with my soul. This is where my healing began. Unraveling my restrictions and making room for light to come in. Her faith in me and the ability to see the real me brought me to a better place. Forever grateful.
— Sebi, 52, Physical Therapist
Leah Matalon changed my life!
Leah helped me uncover the "why" of my actions--the subconscious motivations behind unhealthy patterns that I brought into everything I created. Honoring this new awareness has set me free from over-responsibility and hyper-vigilance as well as helped me form loving boundaries to create space for my well-being. With Leah's gentle and insightful guidance, I feel empowered to create from a state of strength, authenticity and balance. I can't recommend her enough!
~Angela, 37, Massage Therapist