Wellness. Wholeness. Centeredness.
For your mind, body and soul.
Begin your journey to a better life… Here.
Whether you are interested in deep personal healing, growth and development, or just want to plain feel better, you will find this work of interest. Many have found the work we do together profoundly transforming. Consider working with me if you would like to address:
Health Issues
Chronic or acute physical or emotional illness, autoimmune disorders, trauma, pain and suffering, unexplained blockages or fatigue, and issues such as TMJ (temporal mandibular joint dysfunction), IBS, back pain, structural issues, and migraines. Also for well being and for radiant health.
Family Relationships
To explore or heal family, partner, and other relationships, issues around the inner child, ancestral and transgenerational issues, to allow love to flow more freely in your lives. Issues can include caregiving, bonding, parenting, partners, siblings, divorce, separations, infertility, and single parenting.
Love and Intimacy
To love yourself and those around you more freely, to become non-judgmental, to become free of fears around trust and intimacy, to be clear about your feelings and to speak the truth kindly, to continue to support your own growth after constellation work, to support the growth of others through a healing circle, to say “YES” to the blessings of life itself.
Emotional Issues
Depression, trauma, fear, loss, anger, grief, obsession, rage, control, guilt, sadness, helplessness, boundary issues, inability to feel, hopelessness, lack of power, inability to express, lack of connection to the life force, isolation, over-identifications, projections, co-dependence, fear of being alone, to aid in ADD, mood swings, to drop the victim/perpetrator mentality, self-destructiveness, addictions, fear of being seen, fear of owning self, to uncover triggers, to enhance clarity, to identify personal resources, to develop an integrated conscience, to develop your consciousness, to be able to express power in healthy ways.
Social and Work Relationships
To work on career issues and social or work relationships, such as finding your true work, getting past what look like personality issues with colleagues, to resolve conflicts/misunderstandings, for reconciliation and peace in community and world.
Creativity, Movement, Life & Grace
For direction, growth, development, purpose, to overcome obstacles or “being stuck,” to find your place in life, for empowerment, wellness. To activate grace, compassion, wisdom and potential.
To find or release creativity, enhance intuition, step into your empowerment, to move with fluidity and grace, to find your joy, to walk in the path of Creation, to enter the river of Creative Intelligence, to continually transform in the Now.